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Testing Solutions
List of Testing Standards
Instruments Applications Reference Table
Research and Development Programs
Product Quality Control
Storage and Transport Classification
Qualification for Commercial Service
Qualification for Military Service
Surveillance of In-Service Explosive Materials
Ammunition Demilitarization
REACH and GHS Classification
Explosives and Propellants Testing Instruments
Explosives and Propellants Testing Instruments
Stability and Compatibility Tests
Vacuum Stability Tester STABIL
Differential Thermal Analyzer DTA552Ex
Heating Blocks for Thermal Stability Tests
Sensitivity and Explosibility Tests
ESD Sensitivity Tester X SPARK
Electrostatic Spark Sensitivity Tester L SPARK
Impact Sensitivity Testers BFH Series
Impact Sensitivity Tester BFH Pex
Ball-Drop Impact Tester BIT 132
Friction Sensitivity Tester FSKM 10
Friction Sensitivity Tester FSA 12
Koenen Heat Tester KT 300
Consumables for BAM Friction, BAM Fall Hammer and Koenen Test
Explosion-Temperature Tester AET 402
Minimum Burning Pressure Apparatus MBP
Explosives Performance Tests
Optical Analyzer of Explosive Processes OPTIMEX 64
Optical Analyzer of Explosive Processes OPTIMEX 8
Multi-Parameter Measurement System PYROMEX
Photonic Doppler Velocimeter VELOREX PDV
Detonation Velocity Tester VOD815
Detonation Calorimeter DCA 25
High Pressure Bomb Calorimetr BCA® 500
Thermochemical Computer Code EXPLO5
Gun Propellants Ballistics Tests
Closed Vessels TSV Series
High-Pressure Closed Vessels RB Series
Rocket Propellants Ballistics Tests
Stojan Vessel SV-2
Stojan Strand Burner SSB
Lab-Scale Testing Rocket Motor LTRM
Sub-Scale Testing Rocket Motor TRM 50
Rocket Motor Testing Stands RMM
Electro-Explosive Devices Tests
Electro-Explosive Devices Analyzer EDA
Safe Storage and Work in Labs
Explosion-Resistant Storage Containers
Explosives Storage Modules
Explosives Handling Workbench
Hazardous Materials Testing Instruments
Hazardous Materials Testing Instruments
Lithium Battery Explosibility Tester BET 22
Minimum Ignition Energy of Dusts Tester MIE-D
Concentration Limits of Flammability Tester FRTA
Time-Pressure Test Apparatus TPT Series
High-Pressure Autoclave HPA 1500
Autoignition Temperature of Liquids Tester AIT 551
Dust Layer Ignition Temperature Tester LIT 400
Minimum Ignition Temperature Tester MIT 1000
Relative Self-Ignition Temperature Tester RSIT 400
Thermal Stability Test at 75°C TST 75
Self-Heating Substances Tester SHT 150
Explosion and Detonation Chambers
Explosion and Detonation Chambers
Dust and Gas Explosion Chambers
Laboratory Detonation Chambers
Scientific Detonation Chamber KV 2S
Protective Testing Container
Training and Education
Training and Education
Special Training and Education
Explosion-Resistant Storage Containers
Explosives and Propellants Testing Instruments
Safe Storage and Work in Labs
Explosion-Resistant Storage Containers
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Primary Explosives
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Research & Development
Qualification For Service
Product Quality Control
In-service Surveillance
Storage & Transport Safety
Ammunition Demilitarization
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